Monday, August 1, 2011

Myths, fairytales and stories of the God teach lessons about life in Sri Lanka

When we are kids, parents tell us many stories about myths, fairytales and stories about God. There is no matter where we live. It is the way that we pass our childhood with our guardians. Generally, as the majority of people are Buddhists, they believe in God as well as Lord Buddha. As a result, parents take those myths and stories to teach their children lessons in life.
Firstly, we believe in horoscopes as they help us to figure out which path of life to select. Although most of people ignore the concept of horoscopes, according to my personal view, we can have faith on them up to some extent. Life is unpredictable. When we walk on a dark way, we need at least a small light to find out the direction. We can find our abilities and potential of our decisions with the help of stars which are on the sky when we come to this world. Every person has an identical horoscope. The astrologers who know to read what stars tell can predict about our lives. Thus, we can make decisions according to them without blinding selecting choices
Secondly, stories about Lord Buddha teach us lessons to treat and help others who are in need of help. Parents take us to see wesak lanterns and pandols in the wesak season when we commemorate the birth, enlightenment and passing away of Lord Buddha. There are many coaching we can gain. He shows his followers how to treat people who are suffering with different diseases, poverty and blindness without considering their class or cast. He made himself as an example to the public. We also can become skilled at those qualities, such as passion and patience. Hence, it contributes us to be a successful person following stories of Buddha.
             Thirdly, past life stories of Buddha convey many qualities that can absorb to our selves. There is a book called 550 Jathaka katha which contains five hundred and fifty one stories about past lives of the Buddha. Each and every story has a lesson to be learned. It teaches us about what is going to happen if we don’t adopt pleasant attitudes. For instance, if we are too much greedy, what is going to be the result? In the story, “Golden Swan Story”, it shows the fact I mentions above how greediness affects. Moreover, in the epic of “Mahaushada Story”, it conveys how to make brainy decisions and how to analysis something wisely. Therefore, the stories of Buddha teach many lessons that one can move in a bright pathway.
In conclusion, there are many stories that we can educate ourselves. Horoscopes, Stories of Lord Buddha’s life and past life are the main sources that we can get examples. According to my point of view, I think that if someone lives in a religious back ground, he can live a prosperous life although it seems like boring.

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