Monday, June 16, 2014

My Views

If you founded your own college or university, what topic of study would you make mandatory for all students to study and why? How would this class benefit students?

College or university education plays a vital role in a person who is willing to learn more.  In this important period, everyone takes many different classes and learn bunch of theories in order to get the degree. Some succeed while some fail during this process. There can be many reasons behind it, but as far as I believe, concentration on mind and the body strength can make an enormous influence in a person’s success and the failure. Therefore, if I founded my own college or university, I would make subjects based on developing mind concentration mandatory for all students.

I would like to make mind and body developing subjects or activities such as different styles of yoga, meditation or a martial art mandatory for all students because it improves personal disciplines and understanding about their own selves.  Mind has an ability to make a person completely negative as well as positive changing the confidence to face a challenge. Students will find time to think about their breath and body.  These kinds of activities can change the harmful behaviors such as drug addiction.  However, as a person who practices yoga and meditation, I can feel the difference in my mind and body after I started practicing. Once I talked to a shaolin kung-fu master at Fort Worth. He told me kung fu is all about working hard to build up the patient, strength, courtesy and respect towards others and endurance. Moreover he said, when someone practices kung-fu in a passionate manner, he will be the last person to get in to a fight. Therefore, I think that these subjects will give students many benefits with a moral effect.

This class benefits students in numerous ways. Most of students complain about their busy life styles and how hard to allocate time even though they want to practice. By this, they will get a chance to start yoga, meditation or martial art. It will allow them to decide how far they should go with it. They will be able to spend at least 50 minutes per week with themselves.  The more they practice the more they will be able to calm down their minds, their memory power and thinking ability will increase. They will become less aggressive and will practice courtesy and respect towards others. It also will increase the self-confidence eventually. All these help to succeed in their majors and to lead a peaceful and less stressful life style. Simultaneously, it will increase their flexibility and strength of the body which will help to protect themselves from diseases and reduce the probability that they get in accidents.

In conclusion, if I founded a college or university I would like to make mind and body developing subjects mandatory for all students because it increases the possibility to succeed in their major studies as well as in their majors. Moreover, when they become both mentally and physically strong, it will give them the happiness because they are capable of doing something impressive. 

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